Seeing a red skullcap in a dream indicates that your bread will increase, your problems and issues will be solved, if the letter comes in a closed envelope, you will receive special but still happy news, your eyes and face that have forgotten to smile because of sadness will smile again, those who cannot have children will have children, a friend from whom no good is expected, a large amount of money will come from an unexpected job and abundance and prosperity will be encountered with every step taken.
Also, seeing a red skullcap in a dream indicates that the prosperity in your home and the efficiency in your work will decrease, you will become a famous person, one of your family members will take a step towards marriage, you will make your work better by using all the opportunities and talents you have, you will show the courage to deal with your toughest problems and thus you will regain your belief and confidence in yourself, and the person will run from success to success.
Psychologically, seeing a red skullcap in a dream indicates that your goals will be successful, you will meet very good people and become a very influential person, your repentance will be accepted, it indicates fatal diseases, obstacles will come in front of the ways that bring you income, a suspended project will be brought to life again and a journey or journey that could not be taken due to lack of time will be started, people's attention will be attracted thanks to the successes gained, the abundance of your goods and money will increase.