Seeing red wings in a dream indicates that troubles will never end, the support received from friends and relatives will be in vain, you will gain great fortunes, you will fall into bed for a reason, agreements regarding the current jobs will be terminated and you will be in a bad situation both materially and spiritually, you will have low morale and unpleasant days, despite your increasing responsibilities, your income will increase at the same rate.
Also seeing red wings in a dream indicates that you will have days without money, you will realize very good works by evaluating the opportunities you have, you will eat from your home, you will gain great respect in the business world, you will make a partnership with a bad and malicious person who will make you forget the troubles you have.
Psychologically seeing red wings in a dream indicates that you will not be satisfied with victories, you will take action to get rid of the pressure on you, the difficult jobs will turn out to be good, It indicates that he/she will marry soon with auspicious fate, will not experience bad days anymore, his/her enthusiasm will be in vain, he/she will gain strength in material terms as well as spiritual pleasure and joy, and will not experience poverty and deprivation again throughout his/her life.