Removing Lice From Your Head

Dream Interpretations

The dream, which is interpreted as a Qur'anic memorizer to remove lice from the head in a dream, is said to mean that some people will be unfair, discord and separation will come between them and their loved ones, expectations will come true, betrayal will be seen from a person who is close to them, career ladders will be climbed quickly, and very auspicious and great fortunes will be obtained.

In addition, removing lice from one's head in a dream is interpreted to mean that for some reason their business will not be good enough, that great strides will be made, that there will be abundance in their life, that they will get rid of their sorrows and worries, that they will be completely relieved of their illness and that they will be at ease, that they will receive blessings from the people who are helped, and that a union that started happily will end in a controversial way.

Dream Dictionary : Removing Lice From Your Head

Psychological interpretation of extracting lice from the head in a dream

Psychologically, removing lice from the head in a dream means that the person's fame will increase with the appreciation of his art, he will have great financial and moral problems, he will be under the work that many people have to do, so to speak, he will be unfittable, because of these troubles, there will be no feelings such as love and respect in the family, he will obtain property by deceit, he will be in comfort, health and peace, he will be loved very much, Points.

Dream Interpretation : Removing Lice From Your Head

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