Seeing yourself repairing a broken watch in a dream indicates that you will not miss any financial opportunities, you will get rid of the damage you have suffered in your business life by getting great support and you will make great profits, you will always perform your prayers on time, everything will go wrong, things will be much better than before, you will enter a business path with your loved ones, you will enter auspicious paths.
Also, seeing yourself repairing a broken watch in a dream indicates that you will be the most popular employee or officer at work, you will have a business life where you will struggle with bad luck and there will be resentment and a long separation process between spouses or lovers, you will suffer some loss because of this, you will have to deal with a health problem, you will devote yourself to the path of Allah, your household will be filled with abundance.
Psychologically, seeing yourself repairing a broken watch in a dream indicates that you will hear words that will exalt you, It is interpreted that the close friendship between the person and his/her brother will be spoiled, some sad events will happen in a short time, the hardship he/she suffers later will turn out to be good for his/her life, we are sleeping with my daughter in my dream, the person's good will will be abused in the things he/she does.