Seeing rice sold in the market in a dream indicates that the purchasing power of the person will increase, more sustenance will be obtained, it will make him feel that he is not alone and helpless, troubled and sad times will be spent, prayers and repentance will be accepted, the steps taken will create difficulties.
Also, seeing rice sold in the market in a dream indicates that some problems will arise and the earnings will decrease, health problems will arise, a troubled and problematic period will be entered, his health will recover and his life will become more enjoyable, entering into a very big work with a close friend and experiencing very troubled and difficult times in business life, becoming in a troubled mood and feeling sad.
Psychologically, seeing rice sold in the market in a dream indicates that very great successes will be gained and very great progress will be made and a large amount of money will be earned, honesty that he will compromise his unwavering attitude and principles, that your troubles will continue for a while, that his life and affairs will be put in order, that he will use the large amount of earnings he has earned for a good cause, that he has torn his money into pieces with a cleaver. I don't see it but I understand what he is doing. Then there is dirt on the ground in front of his door, I think it looks like blood stains. Then I see a package of finely chopped meat in my brother's hand. I will give it to my neighbor, maybe he needs it, it is interpreted that his life and plans will be spoiled.