Ride on the top of the elevator in the dream

Dream Interpretation

In the dream you will have the solution of the problems to ride on the top of the elevator, so that it will be much easier to go to life, but if there is no jemet, it will be very happy, in short time it will be entered into successful work and some timeless discussions will be experienced, in the coming period, I am going to the fight with the wife, with the very ugly quarrel.

It is also interpreted that you will be a wrong choice in a matter that is unstable to ride on the top of the lift, in the future, that this work will collect plenty of fruits, get a little, get rid of the problems, the worse situations experienced will be straightened, happy.

Psychologically dreaming to ride on the top of the elevator

Psychologically dreaming to ride on the top of the elevator will always encounter good things in life, leaving problems behind and trying to have a peaceful life time, and almost he will enter the home of the world with no jealousy past the same roads with him, to come to the stop of the entire life, spiritually renewing, solving the problems contained in it, and to be held on the hand by the surrounding people, to work very sin, at a time he never waited, he will experience very beautiful improvements to the back.


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