Riding a carpet and flying in a dream

Dream Interpretations

Seeing yourself riding a carpet and flying in a dream indicates that although you are a very good and honest person, you will not be able to find even one person who will support and help you, you will not get the same in return, you will get rid of confusion, you will start a new job in another city, you will be promoted to a very desired position in business life and you will be comfortable, the available financial opportunities will be gradually lost, good days will be seen and it will help the family to find peace.

Also, seeing yourself riding a carpet and flying in a dream indicates that you will find peace, you will be a person who is remembered well behind you, you will get better materially and spiritually after going through very difficult times, your productivity in your work will increase, the person's good days will be left behind, you will enter very good jobs.

Dream Dictionary : Riding a carpet and flying in a dream

Psychological interpretation of seeing yourself riding a carpet and flying in a dream

Psychologically seeing yourself riding a carpet and flying in a dream indicates the opportunities you have It is interpreted that he/she will use it very correctly and well, the business will become better and bigger than before thanks to the support that the family members will give to each other, he/she will introduce his/her business to more professional people, he/she will have great successes, he/she will receive prayers, he/she will make new agreements and one of the elders of the family will lose.

Dream Interpretation : Riding a carpet and flying in a dream

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You cannot find yourself by going into the past. You can find yourself by coming into the present.
Eckhart Tolle