Riding a stork in a dream indicates that the unpleasant days he has experienced will be left behind, the problems and troubles will end in the shortest time, he will encounter disappointment, his work will deteriorate day by day, he will get carried away by this work, forget the deprivations and illnesses, there will be definite ruptures, that is, there will be no stepping back.
In addition, riding a stork in a dream indicates that the material opportunities at hand will be gradually lost, the burdensome one will gain wealth, life will bring him luck and fortune, he will become a person who people envy and envy by finishing these works in a good way, he will be a partner in a profitable work.
Psychologically riding a stork in a dream indicates that there will be unnecessary fear, thus promotion to a high position It indicates that you will enter a period that will bring a lot of financial gain and open new business doors, that you will gain great profits in all the jobs you enter thanks to being a lucky person, that you will have pleasant conversations and enjoy yourself more than you have enjoyed for a long time, that you will be enlightened, that things will progress very well, that you will think deeply.