Seeing a river and a bridge in a dream indicates that the problems that bother him and bother him will disappear, he will gain great wealth thanks to the increase in the money he earns from his work and he will rise in his job in a short time thanks to using this talent in his hand very well, the works done and the jobs entered will come to a halt because of unlucky people, he will continue to receive criticism from his environment as long as he is double-minded and does not reach the maturity given by his age, he will have a problem with his health, he will regain his health.
Also, seeing a river and a bridge in a dream indicates being unemployed, encountering good events and situations, eliminating the situations that bother him and devoting himself to the job he established with great efforts and long work, things will not go well in any way, his luck will turn thanks to the steps he will take in his work, he will lose very big money and goods.
Psychological Seeing a river and a bridge in a dream indicates that the person will close that door or will have great difficulty in meeting his needs, which offers him peace of mind, his problems will be solved in a short time, he will enter into very good works and thus earn a large amount of money, he will lose his enemies, he will not be able to decide what to do, he will repent and live a more proper and better life, his luck and future will be bright.