Rock being thrown in a dream

Dream Interpretations

Seeing a rock being thrown in a dream indicates that you will fall behind in your career, your parents' blessings will be received, you will follow the devil that enters your mind, you will be very lucky in every respect, the three or five cents in your hand will be invested in an unnecessary and empty business, you will have a good life with it, the person who sees the dream will now smile at his fate.

Also, seeing a rock being thrown in a dream indicates that you will reach the best of worldly goods and blessings, you will remember the old times, your sorrows will disappear and you will gain both experience and capital, you will compensate for the financial loss you have suffered, despite all that has been done, things will stop.

Dream Dictionary : Rock being thrown in a dream

Psychological interpretation of seeing a rock being thrown in a dream

Psychologically, seeing a rock being thrown in a dream indicates that a great gain will be made, you will run from success to success, your problems will suddenly come to light, you will earn money that will increase your assets, you will search for a way to relieve your longing for home. It is interpreted that you will enter into a new life, you will live in a very happy union, and you will unexpectedly encounter a financial crisis in a job that has been done for a very long time.

Dream Interpretation : Rock being thrown in a dream

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