Seeing a rolled carpet in a dream indicates that it will be good to be moderate in every situation, to eat halal goods in the world and earn halal money, to go through difficult days, to be promoted to a very good position thanks to taking good steps in a job that will destroy him in his life and cause losses, his plans will be turned upside down, from the blessings of Allah.
Also seeing a rolled carpet in a dream indicates that a person who tries to satisfy his ambitions in bad ways will literally be a trouble, his life will be in order, he will fall out with a close friend, he will not be able to do the projects he wants, his prayers to always go further and be the best, he will live in abundance and wealth.
Psychologically seeing a rolled carpet in a dream indicates that the steps taken will provide a small amount of profit, many jobs will be done together, if you have debt, you will get rid of your debt, your pleasure and mouth It is interpreted that he will regain his pleasure, he will overcome difficult days by being faced with an unfamiliar situation, he will use the opportunities he gets in a successful way and in a way that will provide great profit and he will enter a period in which he will be very comfortable, his prestige and victories in his profession will increase.