Seeing a room full of clothes in a dream indicates that your spouse will always respect you, you will experience great resentment and resentment for many years, you will do wrong and irreversible things, you will go through a difficult period, you will spend your life by caring about your responsibilities and working hard, you will be successful in social life, the disease will end.
Also seeing a room full of clothes in a dream indicates that more sustenance will be obtained, the adversities and obstacles in your life will be eliminated, you will stand hand in hand and claw in front of everyone, the arguments will end soon and without any effort, you will enter into unwanted ways in order to save your working life and you will be stuck in the middle of arguments, the future will bring goodness and beauty.
Psychologically seeing a room full of clothes in a dream indicates that the person will be blessed with the majority of worldly goods and pleasures, you will be comfortable enough to forget the suffering you have suffered. and it indicates that he will be at peace, he will get rid of his problems and feel relieved, his honor will be eliminated, his affairs will progress in a very good way, he will have the life he wants, he will enter a period of comfort like never before.