Seeing a ruble in a dream indicates that you will gain peace and health, you will reach great financial power thanks to a work you have been thinking about for a long time, you will be more careful about what is happening around you, you will live comfortably, but you will suffer great damage, a new page will be opened regarding your emotional relationships, thus your social relationships will be strengthened and you will be psychologically relaxed.
Seeing a ruble in a dream also indicates that you will encounter unexpected negative events, you will act very calmly and secretly to spoil the games of these people, you will defeat your enemy, you will have a peaceful and warm home, you will earn your living more easily, you will come to the end of your work and go bankrupt.
Seeing a ruble in a dream psychologically indicates that you will be exposed to a disease, the person will be among the white shirts in large factories, a happy and peaceful life will be lived for many years, you will attract the attention of many people and thus you will be able to It indicates that he will receive a job offer, some things happening around him that he was not aware of until then will come to light, he will go through difficult times for some reason, he will be satisfied with the work he does, and at most he will continue his life at a certain standard.