Seeing rusty earrings in a dream indicates that you will earn much more than you expect from your debts, you will fulfill every job you undertake, you will be profitable by acting sensibly in the face of problems, you will guarantee your worldly life, some things will come to light, you will start your own business to have bigger earnings by entering new jobs and thus you will get everything you want and immediately get married with a good fortune.
Also seeing rusty earrings in a dream indicates that you will live a happy and healthy life, good days will be experienced, maybe you will find the love of your life, good days will be experienced, you will be unable to pay your rent and bills, even if you do not earn much at first.
Psychologically seeing rusty earrings in a dream indicates that the dreamer, who acts more dreamily instead of keeping his feet on the ground, will have troubles and fights that are difficult to reverse with his family, It is interpreted that the person will be sad because of his/her grief and will be able to save money, buy new goods, not know who to consult, and will be encouraged to take on other jobs.