Seeing a rusty sewing needle in a dream indicates that you will gain ample sustenance, have difficult and troubled days, the dreamer will be a part of this situation and share people's happiness and make more efforts to ensure family peace, achieve the desired success in your job, have very beautiful and auspicious days, material and spiritual losses will end.
Also seeing a rusty sewing needle in a dream indicates that you will be very happy with your loved ones and your work will be finished soon, your problems will never end, messages will come that will make you happy, you will do very heavy and difficult jobs more easily and in a short time, evil will be removed from the person's life and unlimited luck will be obtained in every subject, it will provide a great advantage in business life in the future.
Psychologically seeing a rusty sewing needle in a dream indicates help and support from people who have experience in business about the mistake made. It is interpreted that the dreamer will suffer financial losses as well as spiritual losses due to wrong choices, children who are stubborn and the dreamer's efforts will be in vain, his dreams will not come true, abundance and prosperity will come to his workplace and home, success in social life, and the dreamer's belief in a bright future will come true.