Seeing a rusty sword in a dream indicates that there will be no cure and it will not bring comfort, that the purchasing power in financial terms will never be shaken, that the problems will be overcome quickly and easily, that the person will close their eyes and act by trusting these people easily in their bad days or troubles, that their good intentions will be spoiled due to the greed for money that blinds them, that life will become easier together.
Also seeing a rusty sword in a dream indicates that the person will earn more than the amount needed to live in prosperity and peace throughout their life, that there will be an argument between the siblings, that they will earn a very big profit from the work they will put forward to put their business in order, that they will come to their senses, that their flaws and deficiencies will increase gradually, that they may fall into the hands of fraudsters in financial terms.
Psychologically seeing a rusty sword in a dream indicates that the person's face will smile, that the dreamer will be a very important businessman in the future, that they will be a shameless It indicates that the person will encounter shameless and impudent people and will incur their wrath, will have many troubles in their work, will experience a decrease in property and assets and will come to a very bad point in business life, the person will receive a great blow from the person he is a partner in a job in which he is more unhappy and works hard, the person will feel very unhappy thinking that his goodwill has been abused.