Selling your own house in a dream indicates that you will not experience any trouble or problem, you will have health problems, things will progress in a good way after going through great difficulties, you will cooperate with a close friend regarding a new job, you will realize your shortcomings, you will do good to people, you will receive more respect and support.
In addition, selling your own house in a dream indicates that your decisions will not be taken into consideration by your environment, you will have arguments with people who are jealous thanks to the success of your business and you will enter a very comfortable period, you will be very unhappy, dark times will be enlightened, you will establish a new life for yourself, you will be in a difficult situation.
Psychologically selling your own house in a dream indicates that these will pass through the state gates and you will sign under the works that will perhaps be the turning point of your life, you will eliminate your losses thanks to the support you will receive and you will feel more comfortable. It indicates that the person will enter a new era, will find comfort, will be very comfortable for the first time after a long period of time and will start waiting for better days, will carry out various works and projects that will make him more comfortable in time and will attain great wealth in a short time, will be saved from troubles and difficulties, will suffer for a while longer, will fix the works that he lost money or put on hold and make a profit in a short time.