Having great opportunities to see the bee sting from the bottom of the foot in the dream, meaning of be beautiful and happy days together with family individuals, with the reason for money and loss of goods, the comfort will have a nice life that he dreamed in a little more patient, to be sad, being a loved and considered person.
In addition, seeing the bee sting from the bottom of the foot in the dream, the increase of financial possibilities will also find the last, the change of the situation, which will be very big sorrow in the family life, due to the fact that the obtained winnings and reaching will be reduced to difficult situation by bad people, the money earned will be divided by the loved ones, the case will also be heavier.
Psychologically dreamed from the bottom of the foot will be a very loved and considered person by the people around to see the bee sting and help will be happy by helping them to be happy, compassion and intense interest from their loved ones will be happy, to the future of scarcity, to choose the right one, to get the opportunity to live wide, and the financial possibilities will also exceed, to end the diseases, to enter greater damage in every step thrown out.