To see the almond sweet food in the dream will multiply the customer and the dream owner will smile the face, two will change their lives from the beginning, spend very sad times and experience events that will affect life very badly, to mix his mind, and to bring him to unstable and uncertain states, to recreate the hopes lost, to the happiness and luck of reaching the people’s goals, to be very great happiness.
It is also interpreted that you will be respected to see the sweet food with almonds in the dream and you will encounter a quanretful person, but it will take a little longer of this condition, that it will be in esenlik, when a new way will be drawn, combine your life with the loved person, a partner will support on financial matters.
In the dream of psychologically, to make interest by making the hit-to-seeing decisions to see tons of sweet food, all the opportunities that pass by it will quickly turn, to get huge financial gains in close time, since long time, it is interpreted that the dream will be dreamed of a very large happiness, which will be taken in a way that has gained from an intrigued case, which will fail, will bring him unhappyness and tears.