The wound of the chimney in the dream

Dream Interpretations

Meaning of the fact that the chimney will get rid of troubles and problems that they live to be injured in the dream, which will be reversed with a close friend, to be achieved very large jealousy, to be one of the very richest in the future, from very sad ways to go through, those who have multiple alternatives on work, and especially those who want to go abroad will be mature, God will have since itself.

It is also interpreted that educational opportunities that are addressed to see the wound of the chimney in the dream will be evaluated and cooperate with many people to reach the agreed point so that his life will pass away from stress so that he will put his work on the way, to complete the projects and achieve the success he wants, to make new beginnings in his life, luxury his life and the comfort will be met.

Dream Dictionary : The wound of the chimney in the dream

Psychologically seeing the wound of the chimney in the dream

It will not see the interest of projects to see the wound of the chimney in the dream psychologically, it is interpreted that the well-being and presence will increase, relax, overcome the difficulties, multiply the day of the opportunities that will pass by eline, rise to the executive chair and become a professional life that will be very efficient and will not return the hand.

Dream Interpretation : The wound of the chimney in the dream

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Eckhart Tolle