In the dream, there is a lot of happiness in the way to open the way to crush the foot, meaningging them itself, reducing the trouble of the dream owner, deleting dreams and abundance. By enjoying the island according to the dream subject, meaning of the fact that competitors will be affected by some evils, they will achieve very great achievements and gains in their work.
In addition, seeing the foot crush in the dream can not tolerate the courage for a long time, the help will be taken, thanks to the rightness of the entered discussions, the solution will find, to help from an important and reputable, the main dad prayer will go better to the day of life thanks to the fact that it will be entered into the world house with no jemet, which has been met very long ago.
Psychologically dreamed that the foot will be successful to be crushed, but some problems will experience the gap that will be spiritually because they live, say and trouble will end, because of the problems they live, the unfamiliarity in the family life will cope with, as opposed to the future that their life becomes more complex, to achieve what they want, with a loved person, he will enter the world house in close time, and without losing a lot of time he will be a child, to the loss of trust, the gain will rise from day, to day.