To keep the boss hand in the dream

Dream Interpretation

To see that the boss’s hand in the dream will realize the skills of the person, so that it will be sweated in his work, people who can’t get you in your business life, will be destroyed by new programs that will break routine in private life, to be found in more moving environments, the person who will feed special emotions will also be given to their feelings, the heart will not break, the family will experience large discussions.

In addition to keeping the bossin hand in the dream, it will go away in the affinity of life, for a reason, the dream owner will experience problems with non-exclusive people, finding a jealousy and stepping into marriage, to get the solution of the problems, a news that will end discussions is interpreted, that the financial possibilities will multiply.

Psychologically dreaming to keep the flagship hand

Psychologically in the dream to keep the bossin’s hand will be seen from a rich lady, the person’s loved, and a life in peaceful and well-being will be exhaled by damaging some projects starting in no way, thanks to the steps he will jump, it will be very successful, so it will be interpreted, which will decrease in a difficult situation in financially.

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Fear grows in darkness; if you think theres a bogeyman around, turn on the light.
Dorothy Thompson