Seeing uncooked sarma in a dream indicates that you will earn a large amount of money, your earnings and bread will decrease, you will participate in joint businesses, you will completely deal with religion and leave worldly affairs behind and walk on the path of Allah, you will experience problematic situations because of some bad and unkind people in your life, your rank will increase, you will see great betrayals from your loved ones and your dreams will be destroyed one by one.
Also seeing uncooked sarma in a dream indicates that your bread will be blessed, when you come I started looking for stuffed dried eggplant at home but I couldn't find it in my room. Then I went to the kitchen and my mother had put dried beans and she is eating it on the kitchen balcony. It is interpreted that on the Night of Power, an environment of peace and happiness will be created, his/her fortune and future will be bright, he/she will get rid of a disturbing situation and carry out some works that will bring him/her to very good places, and very difficult days will be experienced.
Psychologically, seeing uncooked sarma in a dream means being unemployed, still having some things he/she wants in life, not appreciating the opportunities he/she will catch, therefore not being able to use the opportunities he/she gets as he/she should, making a big financial gain, becoming a respected and influential person, and experiencing big discussions.