To see what is honey in a dream means that the troubles experienced for a long time will soon end, that it will come to a very good place in terms of property and property, that family members will act together, that it will be a person whom everyone respects in business life, that it will not give up its faith and worship, and that it will do good works for the life of the hereafter, that the steps taken will bring harm in the near future, and that personal fights will end.
In addition, it is interpreted that eating honey in a dream will lead to sad and troublesome situations, that it will cause distress to the lives of his/her loved ones other than himself/herself due to his/her tendency to illegal ways, that his/her desires will be very dependent on them, that he/she will have more income in his/her hands, and that he/she will eliminate his/her problems and troubles without much effort.
Psychologically, to see what it is to eat honey in a dream will not approve of that job and will want to prevent and stop him in this regard, to catch happiness in his private life, to become weak,