Seeing your spouse's dirt in your dream indicates that your financial opportunities will increase, a scholar who understands your situation, a discussion will occur in the workplace, a period in which you will struggle with problems will be entered, you will never lose your seat and thus you will not have the fear of neither the future nor being unemployed and hungry, you will do a job that will drag down your career and vision, great trouble and pain to be experienced.
Also, seeing your spouse's dirt in your dream indicates that the problems you are in will increase day by day, you will be with a relative who has health problems financially and spiritually, you will never get involved in haram, all living conditions will deteriorate as a result of experiencing the same troubles in terms of work, you will reach great peace thanks to the comfort and wealth you will have.
Psychologically seeing your spouse's dirt in your dream indicates that you will upset yourself in a group you enter. It indicates that you will have a quarrel with a person who works, you will almost end up in court, all problems will be solved amicably and in a short time, it will be a reason for many positive steps to be taken, you will not suffer from poverty, you will enter a very difficult period, you will take a step towards marriage with a close person, there will be positive changes in your life.