Seeing your spouse giving money to your family in a dream indicates that you are educated, will easily pay off all your debts and will be very happy in your family and business life, people will try to leave their problems behind and live a peaceful life and will get married with a good fortune that has almost gone through the same path as you, you will get rid of this bad situation in a short time and without bothering, you will get married with a good fortune, you will accomplish very big things.
Also seeing your spouse giving money to your family in a dream indicates that what upsets you, you will be greedy for worldly goods, so you will make mistakes by compromising your faith, you will now have a much more peaceful and happier life, none of the calculations made will be true, you will have many problems related to your business life despite your insistence and insistence and you will almost come to the brink of bankruptcy, you will choose a life away from stress and anger and you will take very good care of yourself, is interpreted.