Dropping a handkerchief in a dream indicates that the person will have trouble from their friends, will slowly start to pull themselves together, but if auspicious luck comes, they will be very happy, their purchasing power will not weaken, very good developments will be experienced in family life, their life will become very luxurious, business partnerships will be established with some people.
Also, dropping a handkerchief in a dream indicates that they will meet good people, they will get married in a short time, some good developments will be experienced in family life and very good and beautiful events will happen in the near future, their luck in trade will increase, their work will open doors to great profits, they will fall into the trap of bad people.
Psychologically dropping a handkerchief in a dream indicates that they will not get into big debts, they will get help from this person to solve their problems and pay their debts, they will spend and buy more comfortably, they will have an established It indicates that the partnership will be dissolved as soon as it is realized that it is causing harm and that great efforts will be made to fix the damage suffered, that he will help him to do the things he wants to do but cannot do for various reasons and that he will do whatever is necessary for him to be comfortable and enjoy his life, that a loved one will be in a very difficult situation, that he will find himself in a great impasse and that he will feel as if these days will never pass and that his life has come to an end, and that he will achieve success.