leo monthly horoscope
Jul 23 - Aug 22

Leo Monthly Horoscope

Leo Horoscope September 2024

Dear Leos and those with Leo ascendant, as Uranus starts its retrograde motion in Taurus on September 1st, some problems regarding your career may become more visible. You should clarify your thoughts about the issues you want to change or are presented to you. Sudden outbursts and impulsive decisions may eventually bother you. Therefore, it is beneficial to keep your communication with authorities, your work partners and, if these people are your family, your family members strong and positive. Some ties will inevitably be severed, but remember that there is no need to do this in a negative way or exhibit behaviors that you will later regret. You should consider the possibility of going back to a slammed door. You may experience surprises regarding your financial expectations. Failure to keep promises made to you on time may also cause some cash outflows along with lump sum payments.

Pluto moving into Capricorn on September 2nd and continuing its retrograde motion may provide some reminders regarding your expectations and order regarding your business life. Even if you think you have changed, you may still encounter the same jobs or habits. You should be aware of what you are doing in order not to exhibit behaviors that will make both your workload and stress management difficult. You should let go of issues that you think are habits and unknowingly turn into stubbornness. You should also break your last remaining taboos on issues such as lifestyle, working conditions, and pets. Before going to an interview, make sure that you do not dwell on options that have been tried and failed. When you have this intention, it will be easier for you to find people who will help and support you. Do not make your life lonely.

With the new moon in Virgo on September 3, financial issues and calculations may become more important. You may want to change jobs, take on new responsibilities, and act thoughtfully rather than hastily. You are more realistic about your expectations and plans regarding financial matters. You can sever ties with issues and people that are outside this line. You are in a good period to set new goals, increase your earnings, balance your expenses, and purge unnecessary and fruitless situations from your life. How you establish those conditions is as important as how they fit. Since you will think about this more, you can also make critical decisions about your life with this care. You are under lucky influences in terms of social and emotional relationships.

With Mars moving into Cancer on September 4, you can evaluate the events around you with a different perspective. It is important to be aware of what is important and special to you and the effects it leaves on you. Things that are hidden, concealed, and done behind your back can cause you to have trust issues. Instead of covering these up or spending time in a way that will become an obsession, watch the course of events and focus on yourself. Don't waste your time and energy even though you know it is not worth spending time on. This will support you in preventing mental and physical health problems, putting your life in order and focusing on your own plans. Issues related to nutrition and digestive system, distorted and manipulative relationships can make your daily flow difficult. Try to solve these, see your needs and calm your soul. Your elders, relatives or people in need may need your support. You may exert a lot of effort in terms of material and moral support during the visits.

With Mercury’s transition to Virgo on September 9, you may eliminate the obstacles related to your business life. You will feel stronger. Since you were focusing on wrong or unnecessary issues, you were having difficulty returning to your main agenda. This may be a process in which you will overcome these and make clean starts. Your business initiatives, searches and meetings, your current income-expense balance, and your expenses may get back on track after the unexpected cash inflows and outflows in August. Being more careful and balanced in the distribution of expenses and being frugal may provide you with advantages. Your previous savings and preparations will now enable you to progress better, make investments and secure yourself. You can complete your payments, speed up your transactions in official institutions, and find support in determining and preparing capital. Since this will be a process in which you will determine your own value, it is important to keep yourself away from issues that you do not want and that will cause you trouble. You may realize that issues that you are too involved with, take responsibility for or, on the contrary, do not pay attention to are decisive for you. You should make the most of this process in order to compensate for mistakes, prevent new ones and simplify.

The partial lunar eclipse that will occur in Pisces on September 18th may provide clear information about your economic initiatives and their results. You may realize that events do not develop as you know, think and trust. There may be situations where you need to pull yourself out after disappointing and exhausting processes. You should know that there is no room for doubt, anxiety and "I wonder" here. You may experience significant changes regarding joint resources and financial situations. You may want to obtain new sources of income, strengthen and detail your current work. You may feel the need to create an option that belongs to you. In this way, you can both complete your payments and implement your savings plans. Monetary agendas regarding banks or legal issues, receivables and accounts receivable, health expenses related to your family or yourself may come to the agenda. You can close all deficiencies that are within your responsibility. However, it will be important for you to directly carry out your transactions and not take a step by trusting power of attorney or word. Do not entrust your passwords, payments, resources and mental health to someone else. You may be lucky in matters such as your spouse/family's earnings, the potential for a spouse who has an income and a stable life.

Enjoy your monthly horoscope. Have a good month Leo and Leo Risings

Leo In Astrology

Start of Longitude for Leo
End of Longitude for Leo
Leo Represents
The Lion
Leo Astrology Element
Leo Ruled by (Classic Astrology)
Leo Ruled by (Modern Astrology)
Leo Character
fierce, opulent, narcissistic
Leo Astrological Symbol

Leo Compatibility

Leo - Aries : Are you magnets? Because I sense a lot of attraction.

Aries Monthly Horoscope
Leo - Taurus : You are not compatible! Taurus just does not know how to commit.

Taurus Monthly Horoscope
Leo - Gemini : There is a youthful exuberance to everything you do.

Gemini Monthly Horoscope
Leo - Cancer : You are both attention seekers, tread with caution!

Cancer Monthly Horoscope
Leo - Leo : You are both trying to hard to impress each other.

Leo Monthly Horoscope
Leo - Virgo : Virgo will over-analyse every situation, be careful!

Virgo Monthly Horoscope
Leo - Libra : You are compatible! This relationship is strong with lots of possibilities.

Libra Monthly Horoscope
Leo - Scorpio : This relationship is hotter than the GO train at rush hour.

Scorpio Monthly Horoscope
Leo - Sagittarius : Are you California? There is lots of fire going on here!

Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope
Leo - Capricorn : This relationship is like a fart. If you have to force it, it is probably... you know...

Capricorn Monthly Horoscope
Leo - Aquarius : You are not compatible! Aquarius is more committed to their social circle than to you.

Aquarius Monthly Horoscope
Leo - Pisces : This relationship is harder than whiteboarding.

Pisces Monthly Horoscope

Leo Daily Horoscope Leo Weekly Horoscope

Leo Personality