virgo monthly horoscope
Aug 23 - Sep 22

Virgo Monthly Horoscope

Virgo Horoscope September 2024

Dear Virgos and those with Virgo ascendant, as Uranus starts its retrograde motion in Taurus on September 1st, you can think about the benefits of the paths you have chosen and followed. You can see once again that life is not only about taking, but also about giving. How much effort you put in, how much you invest in yourself and your work are important. You should be more equipped and aware in areas where you think it is worth disrupting the order. You can repeat the subjects you have been educated in, meet with competent people, do more research, and make some plans to turn this into profit. Do not limit your mind and do not fall into negativity by stepping out of your shell and being in different places. You may need legal support on issues such as inheritance, shares, and work payments.

As Pluto continues its retrograde motion in Capricorn on September 2nd, the points that are on your mind regarding emotional issues may become more apparent. It may be time to stop on issues that you have been dealing with since the beginning of the year, trying to make sense of and solve. You should stop dealing with issues that are not within your responsibility and knowledge and focus on your own relationship and your own feelings. This will show you what you need to do. You can deal with the works that you have decorated with your creativity and effort, complete unfinished projects, and start chasing the opportunities you missed again. When it sees that you are no longer the same person, that you are not holding on to what is wrong, life will give you the reward of this with good people, good earnings and good reasons. Your emotional ups and downs may overshadow your financial investments and plans. In order to avoid wrong spending and risks, you should relax yourself and calm your mind with holiday plans or small but new hobbies.

With the new moon that will occur in your sign on September 3, you can better understand that things should not be the same. It will be easier for you to realize the issues that create a feeling of blockage in you, that stop you, and that make you feel dependent. You can be excited and ready as if you were waiting for today. You may need to change your responsibilities or place, ask for forgiveness from some tasks or relationships, and listen to yourself more. Knowing your weaknesses and thin belly prevents you from offering it to others. You will see that it is necessary to have a clear mind in order to make clear decisions. Instead of unnecessary habits, products, and items, you should pursue choices that will make you the best. You can have health checks, take supplements according to your values, and switch to a diet that is not restrictive but does not make it difficult for your stomach or weight control. You will shine.

Your social life may become more active with Mars' transition to Cancer on September 4. Although your motivation to meet new people is not very high, you can attract people to you with your attitudes in the environments you enter. You may miss your old friendships and environments, and you can communicate. You can especially meet with friends with whom you have resentment and disagreement, or get a response from them. Despite problems and unwanted communications, you are in a good period in terms of compensation and recovery. When you are aware of this, it will be easy to prevent internal problems and future concerns. Instead of pulling yourself into despair, you should get involved in life, be aware of your responsibilities, and spend time on things that fill you with hope. Social responsibility projects can help you in this regard. Try to establish a correct and intelligent intensity.

On September 9, with the course of Mercury in Virgo, you may change your perspective on yourself. Self-criticism turning into a beating, forcing yourself to do it, and some of your wishes not coming true may have caused you to have a hard time finishing August. You will not go back to that point. Your attitudes towards flexibility, innovation and breaking away from addictions regarding your decisions and plans regarding your individual life will make this possible. You can learn and experience to think wisely instead of overthinking. When you have a plan for the right time, it will be easier for you to take action and get results. Bring out your experiences, ideas, and feelings. Take a step for what can be experienced while it is possible. These may be important details in terms of improving your health, relationships, style, and lifestyle. It is important to be selective in details. You can buy new items, create a new diet or treatment process for your health, and simplify your living spaces. Your luck may increase emotionally and socially, and you are in a period when you are open to offers. Especially people you will meet through people you do business with in your field of work may open important pages in your life.

A new cycle begins for you with the lunar eclipse to take place in Pisces on September 18. Your expectations and attitudes regarding your relationships may change, and you may see that attitudes towards you have also changed. You may feel the desire to look at events with a more realistic eye. You may make important decisions in relationships that you have ignored and therefore abused. You may be upset, stressed at first, and think that this will always be the case. But you should know that you are actually in a transition and preparation process. You should not risk your future, your opportunities, and your environment. Your own authority, decisions, and feelings may be more important. You should not waste any more time to reveal this, and you should open a new page according to the results you obtain after the eclipse. You may determine new criteria in terms of marriage and partnerships, and you may be more selective towards your environment. You may want to be together with people who can carry you forward, support you, and make you visible. You are clearer on this issue, your lines are sharper. It would be beneficial for you to stay away from unnecessary discussions and chaos. You should not give credit to people who show your human side as a weakness. In order to avoid legal problems, it may be healthier for you to be controlled, to follow the flow of events, or not to act at all.

Enjoy your monthly horoscope. Have a good month Virgo and Virgo Risings

Virgo In Astrology

Start of Longitude for Virgo
End of Longitude for Virgo
Virgo Represents
The Maiden
Virgo Astrology Element
Virgo Ruled by (Classic Astrology)
Virgo Ruled by (Modern Astrology)
Virgo Character
meticulous, helpful, naive
Virgo Astrological Symbol

Virgo Compatibility

Virgo - Aries : This relationship is bolder than a cup of coffee, but it keeps things exciting.

Aries Monthly Horoscope
Virgo - Taurus : You are compatible! You enjoy talking things through and you appreciate each other.

Taurus Monthly Horoscope
Virgo - Gemini : You are compatible, you couple of Chatty Kathys, you.

Gemini Monthly Horoscope
Virgo - Cancer : You are practical, while Cancer is emotional and needy.

Cancer Monthly Horoscope
Virgo - Leo : Dating a Leo will make you feel insecure.

Leo Monthly Horoscope
Virgo - Virgo : You are not compatible. You tend to point out each others flaws.

Virgo Monthly Horoscope
Virgo - Libra : Libra is too chill for you.

Libra Monthly Horoscope
Virgo - Scorpio : Deep communication, powerful unity, all while oozing loyalty and mutual respect.

Scorpio Monthly Horoscope
Virgo - Sagittarius : You are like two commuters passing in the street--stay that way.

Sagittarius Monthly Horoscope
Virgo - Capricorn : You are compatible! Neither of you wants to rush into anything but have no problems showing how much you care.

Capricorn Monthly Horoscope
Virgo - Aquarius : Keep this one in the friend-zone.

Aquarius Monthly Horoscope
Virgo - Pisces : A tangible, sustainable relationship.

Pisces Monthly Horoscope

Virgo Daily Horoscope Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Virgo Personality