aquarius weekly horoscope
Jan 20 - Feb 18

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

Aquarius Horoscope September 23rd to September 29th

Aquarius and Aquarius Ascendant, the details of your social circle and love life will be quite active this week. Your love life is lively. If you are seeing someone, you will make lots of plans and spend more time for yourself. There may be things you need to sort out regarding money. You need to be careful about a detail you overlooked here, especially on Wednesday.

With Venus passing into Scorpio on Monday, you are saying hello to a cycle in which you will show yourself in your career. You have three weeks ahead of you, but on the other hand, pressures may increase in environments where you will be in the spotlight and in your business life. You may act with manipulative influences and your relationship with some women you work with may deteriorate. It is useful to be careful about manipulations, jealousy or some incidents of violence in front of the public. In any case, Venus' passage from here will give you an opportunity in your public stance and also the desire to show yourself. But be careful to do these without getting too ambitious or changing or manipulating the events. Then, both your connections with your bosses will be strengthened and you will be able to get more efficiency from your business life since you will not make old mistakes. Venus Pluto square may bring some troublesome situations to your business life. If you are on vacation, in educational institutions, or going to school, stay away from dangerous places and people as much as possible, and do not get into traffic with anyone.

With Mercury passing into Libra on Thursday, your travels and education-related issues will accelerate. You will spend more time on yourself, your education, travels, and future plans. During this period, legal cases, commercial activities, and events related to your spouse's siblings may gain importance, but you are also in a period where you need to invest more in your own environment. Therefore, do not neglect your own relatives and the people in your close circle. There may be tensions between you and your spouse's or partner's relatives. Be careful to resolve these issues in an equal and fair manner. If you think you are not being treated fairly, similar issues and events will come to the fore, but question why this is happening here. If you have made a mistake, you can realize these and change the events and situations. Mercury's transition to Libra represents a very enjoyable period. In the following period, you will travel a lot, take time for yourself and not worry about work.

Enjoy your weekly horoscope. Have a nice week Aquarius and Aquarius Risings

Aquarius In Astrology

Start of Longitude for Aquarius
End of Longitude for Aquarius
Aquarius Represents
The Water-bearer
Aquarius Astrology Element
Aquarius Ruled by (Classic Astrology)
Aquarius Ruled by (Modern Astrology)
Aquarius Character
inventive, zany, erratic
Aquarius Astrological Symbol

Aquarius Compatibility

Aquarius - Aries : Aries rocks your world!

Aries Weekly Horoscope
Aquarius - Taurus : Taurus is a home body, while you are a butterfly.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope
Aquarius - Gemini : You have mutual ambitions and a compatible outlook on life.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope
Aquarius - Cancer : You support and nurture each others goals.

Cancer Weekly Horoscope
Aquarius - Leo : Leo is a bit too serious for you.

Leo Weekly Horoscope
Aquarius - Virgo : There is a Grand Canyon filled with differences.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope
Aquarius - Libra : Cupid would be proud.

Libra Weekly Horoscope
Aquarius - Scorpio : Scorpio likes to party and runs on instinct, while you are usually more pragmatic.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope
Aquarius - Sagittarius : This is a stimulating relationship.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope
Aquarius - Capricorn : Keep this one in the friend-zone.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope
Aquarius - Aquarius : Your are both very aloof.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope
Aquarius - Pisces : You are intellectuals and dreamers.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope

Aquarius Daily Horoscope Aquarius Monthly Horoscope

Aquarius Personality