virgo weekly horoscope
Aug 23 - Sep 22

Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Virgo Horoscope September 23rd to September 29th

Virgo and Virgo ascendants, there are good opportunities in your career. With the effects you have received from Jupiter, the news you have been waiting for in your business life for a long time may come to you this week. You are in a cycle where you are directing your life, you have many projects and you are happy to talk about them. Important meetings and agreements may have come into play,

Pay attention to Wednesday, an important agreement, a detail you overlooked in the contract may cause you to have problems. These effects will also be in play in your bilateral relations and private life. It will not be easy to get along with the person you love during this period. Since Mercury's opposition angle with Neptune is an indicator of both parties, do not push the terms and conditions too much during this period. You can get good support from your loved ones, you can make plans with them. You may not get along with your loved one during this period, but you can overcome situations and events by being together with your social circle but this time without putting too much pressure on each other.

Mercury will pass to Libra on Thursday, money-related issues gain importance. You can earn good money during the next two weeks. Money may come from the sale of something or an investment. Your mind will work in a balanced, harmonious and solution-oriented manner regarding money issues during this period. Those who have a job related to fashion, art, decoration or beautification may have good earnings during this period. Venus’s passage to Scorpio will strengthen your close circle and relatives’ relations. However, since Venus is in detriment here, tensions or manipulations may come into play in your relations with them from time to time, and be careful against influences such as pressure and jealousy. Try to be careful about money issues on Monday and Wednesday.

Enjoy your weekly horoscope. Have a nice week Virgo and Virgo Risings

Virgo In Astrology

Start of Longitude for Virgo
End of Longitude for Virgo
Virgo Represents
The Maiden
Virgo Astrology Element
Virgo Ruled by (Classic Astrology)
Virgo Ruled by (Modern Astrology)
Virgo Character
meticulous, helpful, naive
Virgo Astrological Symbol

Virgo Compatibility

Virgo - Aries : This relationship is bolder than a cup of coffee, but it keeps things exciting.

Aries Weekly Horoscope
Virgo - Taurus : You are compatible! You enjoy talking things through and you appreciate each other.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope
Virgo - Gemini : You are compatible, you couple of Chatty Kathys, you.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope
Virgo - Cancer : You are practical, while Cancer is emotional and needy.

Cancer Weekly Horoscope
Virgo - Leo : Dating a Leo will make you feel insecure.

Leo Weekly Horoscope
Virgo - Virgo : You are not compatible. You tend to point out each others flaws.

Virgo Weekly Horoscope
Virgo - Libra : Libra is too chill for you.

Libra Weekly Horoscope
Virgo - Scorpio : Deep communication, powerful unity, all while oozing loyalty and mutual respect.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope
Virgo - Sagittarius : You are like two commuters passing in the street--stay that way.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope
Virgo - Capricorn : You are compatible! Neither of you wants to rush into anything but have no problems showing how much you care.

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope
Virgo - Aquarius : Keep this one in the friend-zone.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope
Virgo - Pisces : A tangible, sustainable relationship.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope

Virgo Daily Horoscope Virgo Monthly Horoscope

Virgo Personality