Daily Horoscopes
Weekly Horoscope
Monthly Horoscope
Zodiac Signs
Dream Dictionary
Interpretation And Analysis of Your Dreams Starting
Dreams staring with W
Search Your Dreams
Wearing clothes of sister in the dream
Wearing wedding dress in the dream
Wearing red dress of sister in the dream
Wrap and cry sister in the dream
Walk with sister in the dream
Wear an outdoor dress in the dream
Wear outdoor dress in dream
Watch movies on the dream
Wear outdoor wedding dress in dream
Wearing outdoor grey suit in the dream
Watching movies outdoors in the dream
Wash outdoors in the dream
Walking outdoors in the dream
Wearing light brown slippers in the dream
Wear outdoor red dress in dream
Wear light blue dress in dream
Wearing light blue coat in the dream
Wearing light blue jersey in the dream
Wearing light blue pants in the dream
Wearing light blue pijama in the dream
Wearing light blue color dress in dream
Wearing light blue color clothes in the dream
Wearing light blue slippers in the dream
Wearing light blue vest in the dream
Wearing outdoor purple dress in the dream
Wear pink dress in the dream
Wearing pink coat on the dream
Wind stretching from open window in the dream
Wearing light color boots in the dream
Wear outdoor color dress in dream
Wearing light color rough in the dream
Wear light color pants in the dream
Wearing light color sweater in the dream
Wearing outdoor colorful pants in the dream
Wear outdoor yellow dress in dream
Wash outdoor in the dream
Wearing light green rough in the dream
Wear outdoor green dress in dream
Wear light green pants in the dream
Washing in the dream
Wake up with pain in the dream
Write a name in the dream
Wife the scalp in the dream
Wash man in the dream
Walk with man in the dream
Write your name in the dream
Write the last name in the dream
Write address in the dream
Waiting under the tree in the dream
Wearing trees in the dream
Water the smell of trees in the dream
Walking on the tree in the dream
Water the tree in the dream
Walking between trees in the dream
Walk between trees in the dream
Water trees in the dream
Walking of trees in the dream
Walking on trees in the dream
Walk on the tree road in the dream
Walk on the treey road in the dream
Walk in the tree in the dream
Wood from the dream
Wearing heavy pendants in the dream
Wearing heavy coat in the dream
Walking heavy in the dream
Work weight in the dream
Weighing weight in the dream
Water full of mouth in the dream vomiting
Washing mouth in the dream
Wound in the mouth in the dream
Wearing wedding dress in the dream
Want to cry in the dream
Wanting to cry in the dream
Worshipping in the dream
Work to cry in the dream
Wake up when you are in the dream
Woman crying in the dream
Want something crying in the dream
Wear wedding dress by crying in the dream
Write a letter by crying in the dream
Want to die by crying in the dream
Wake up by crying in the dream
Walk by crying in the dream
Wearing mask on the net in the dream
Water the mouth in the dream
Washing mouth in the dream
Wearing teeth in the dream
Worm vomiting from the mouth in the dream
Wash the mouth in the dream
Wash in the barn in the dream
Wooden step in the dream
Wooden items in the dream
Wooden house in the dream
Wood processing in the dream
Wooden toy in the dream
Wooden table in the dream
Wooden boat in the dream
Wooden ring in the dream
Wearing rings between the family in the dream
Walking with the family in the dream
Work in the dream family
Wash the family in the dream
White hair in the dream
Wash the dish in the fountain flowing in the dream
Wash the flowing stream in the dream
Walking in the dream
Washing the face from the flowing tap in the dream
Walking on the water flowing in the dream
Wash the foot in the flowing water in the dream
Wash washing in the water flowing in the dream
Washing carpet in the flowing water in the dream
Wash in the water flowing in the dream
Walk in the water flowing in the dream
Wash the face in the flowing water in the dream
Walking on the edge of the mites water in the dream
Walk on streaming in the dream
Wash the dish in the stream in the dream
Washing in the stream in the dream
Wash carpet in the stream in the dream
Wash in streaming in the dream
Wash wool in your dream
Walk in streaming in the dream
Washing the face in the stream in the dream
Wash your face on streaming in the dream
Wearing agate ring in the dream
Walking on the seaside in the evening
Walking in the sea in the evening in the dream
Wash carpet in the dream
Walking in the darkness of the evening in the dream
Waiting for the evening bus in the dream
Walking on the evening in the dream
Walking time in the dream
Walking on the evening in the dream
Walk by accents in the dream
Walk in the dark in the dream
Wife from the dream
Working at the shopping center in the dream
Wearing all pulled dress in the dream
Write in the dream
Whitening lower teeth in the dream
Wet the bottom in the dream
Wearing bottom pijama in the dream
Want to get gold in the dream
Wear gold gold in dream
Wear gold weddings in the dream
Wear gold wedding rings in the dream
Wearing gold key in dream
Wear the gold bracelet to the arm in the dream
Wear to get gold bracelet in the dream
Want to break gold bracelet in the dream
Wear gold bracelet arm in dream
Wear gold bracelet pendant in dream
Wearing gold bracelet in the dream
Wear and remove gold bracelet in the dream
Wear gold bracelets and pendants in the dream
Wear gold bracelet and ring in the dream
Wear gold bracelet rings in the dream
Wear gold bracelets in the dream
Wear gold burma bracelet in dream
Wearing gold bushes in the dream
Wearing gold bags in the dream
Wearing gold quarters in the dream
Wear gold outside in the dream
Wear gold dress in dream
Wear the golden wedding ring in the dream
Wearing gold wedding dress in dream
Wear gold tension in the dream
Wear gold glasses in the dream
Wear gold silver bracelet in dream
Wear gold silver ring in dream
Wear gold-state in the dream
Wear gold speed in dream
Wearing gold pearl bracelet in dream
Wear gold-treated dress in dream
Want gold in the dream
Wearing gold cards in the dream
Wear gold clamp in dream
Wear gold clothes in the dream
Wear gold arm in dream
Wearing gold pendant bracelet in dream
Wear gold mole in the dream
Wear gold cord in dream
Wear gold bird in the dream
Wear gold creas in the dream
Wearing gold earrings pendant in the dream
Wearing gold earrings in the dream
Wear gold earrings in the dream
Wear gold earrings and pendants in the dream
Wear gold earrings ring in the dream
Wearing gold evil in the dream
Wearing the ring in gold April in the dream
Wearing the ring in the dream of gold April
Wearing non-gold bracelet in the dream
Wear gold money in the dream
Wear gold color dress in dream
Wearing gold color skirt in dream
Wear gold color clothes in the dream
Wear gold color ring in dream
Wear gold color clock in dream
Wear clothes in gold color in dream
Wear gold colorful dress in dream
Wear gold yellow dress in dream
Wear gold set in dream
Wear gold word ring in the dream
Wear gold crown in dream
Wear gold crown in the dream
Wear the set of gold in the dream
Wear gold jewelry in the dream
Wear gold in the dream
Weighing gold in the dream
Weighing gold in the dream
Wear gold-stone ring in the dream
Wearing gold collar in the dream
Wearing gold cone in the dream
Wear gold-wheel ring in the dream
Wear gold slippers in the dream
Wear gold buckle in the dream
Wearing gold ball earrings in the dream
Walking on gold in the dream
Wearing gold and silver pendants in the dream
Wear gold and silver bracelet in dream
Wear gold and silver ring in the dream
Wear gold vest in the dream
Walking on the golden road in the dream
Wash gold in the dream
Wanting to get gold rings in the dream
Wear gold ring wedding ring in the dream
Wear gold ring bracelet in dream
Wear to gold ring finger in dream
Wear gold rings in the dream
Wear and remove gold ring in the dream
Wear gold ring in the dream
Wearing gold rings in the dream
Weighing gold ring in the dream
Wear gold rings and bracelets in the dream
Wear gold rings in the dream
Wearing gold chain bracelet in dream
Wearing gold chain in dream
Wear gold accessories items in the dream
Whitening under the dream
Wearing gold accessories in the dream
Wearing anything under the dream
Wear clothes from dream
Wear skirt from dream
Wear crown from dream
Weak gold in the dream
Wear gold in the dream
Washing with gold in the dream
Wedding ring in the dream
Wedding ring in the dream
Wedding ring in the dream
Wear wedding ring in the dream
Wearing wedding ring and monotas in the dream
Wedding in the dream
Wearing riots in the dream
Wait for an ambulance in the dream
Wait for surgery in the dream
Wear surgery dress in the dream
Wear surgery gloves in the dream
Wear surgery shirt in the dream
Wear surgery clothes in the dream
Wear surgery front in the dream
Waiting in the hospital
Wear ametist ring in the dream
Wake up my dream
Wear bulb in the dream
Walking on the main road in the dream
Wandering from the mother in the dream
Wait for the key in the dream
With key in dream
Work to open the door with key in the dream
Work in kindergarten in the dream
Whether you are taking anesthesia in the dream
Wake up suddenly in the dream
Wash the maternal foot in the dream
Wake up by shouting mother in the dream
Walking in the dark with mother in the dream
Wishing to become a mother in the dream
Wishing legimate from mother in the dream
Wearing my mother's dress in the dream
Wash my mother's dead in the dream
Wearing white dress on my mother in the dream
Walking with my mother in the dream
Wearing the golden ring of the mother in the dream
Wash the foot of the mother in the dream
Wear the dress of mother in the dream
Wrap the mother married in the dream
Wearing the bride of mother in the dream
Washing the mother's son in the dream
Wearing pants in the dream
Wearing new clothes in the dream
Washing the face of the mother in the dream
Warming by the mother in the dream
Wash by mother in the dream
Wrap and cry mother in the dream
Wear the dress of the mother in the dream
Washing the death of the mother in the dream
Wear gold to mother in dream
Wear gold bracelet to mother in dream
Wearing bracelets in the dream
Wrap the mother in the dream and cry
Writing poems in the dream
Wear ring to mother in the dream
Waiting for mother in the dream
Wash the dish with mother in the dream
Walking in mud with mother in the dream
Wedding dress in the dream
Waiting for the bus in the dream
Wrap and cry with mother in the dream
Wearing antique ring in the dream
Watching training in the dream
Wash apartment ladder in the dream
Water print on the apartment in the dream
Water print in the dream
Wear apolet in the dream
Walk around the streets in the dream
Walk in the streets of the dream
Walking on the street
Wait for car in the dream
Winning car lottery in the dream
Why the car crash in the dream
White to driving car in the dream
Wearing car tire in the dream
White driving cars in the dream
Wash the car in the dream
Walking on the road of the car in the dream
Wait on the car in the dream
Why gasoline lice in the car in the dream
Washing in the car in the dream
Walk from the car in the dream
Water from the car in the dream
Whether you lose your car in the dream
Write penalties to the car in the dream
Wearing on the car in the dream
Wearing new tires to the car in the dream
Washing the car in the dream
Water print on the dream
Walk through mud by car in the dream
Walk through mudd road by car in the dream
Walk around the dream airport
Walking by car
Work by car
Wake up while falling from the cliff by car
Wanting to get land in the dream
Water the land in the dream
Walk around the land in the dream
Walk in the land in the dream
Wolf from the back in the dream
Wait for friends in the dream
Working with friends in the dream
Wearing necklaces on your dream
Write a letter to your friend in the dream
Wrap your friend in the dream and cry
Warming by your friend in the dream
Wash by your friend in the dream
Wear gold to your friend in the dream
Wearing duvak to your friend in the dream
Walking by wrapping your friend in the dream
Wrap your friend in the dream and sleep
Wear ring to your friend in the dream
Wait for your friend in the dream
Warn your friend in the dream
Wash your friend in the dream
Wash the foot of your friend in the dream
Washing your friend in the dream
Wear the dress of your friend in the dream
Wearing the bride of friend in the dream
Wear your friend's chest in the dream
Wear the accident of your friend in the dream
Wearing red dress in your dream
Wear the outfit of your friend in the dream
Wearing blue dress in your dream
Wearing pink dress in your dream
Wear the ring of your friend in the dream
Wearing the same outfit with your friend in the dream
Wash the dish with your friend in the dream
Wife in the sea with your friend
Work with your friend in the dream
Wrestling in your dream
Wash with your friend in the dream
Working in the same place as friends in the dream
Walking with friends in the dream
Walk on the road with friends in the dream
Wrap your friends in the dream
Wrap and cry your friends in the dream
Work with friends in the dream
Walking with friends in the dream
Walk with friends in the dream
Walking behind the dream
Wearing arma in the dream
Water flow from arc in the dream
Wait for elevator in the dream
Washing at the elevator in the dream
Wearing cookwear in the dream
Washing asphalt in the dream
Walking on the asphalt road in the dream
Washing asphalt road in the dream
Walk in asphalt in the dream
Wait for the dream
Write a letter of love in the dream
Write love letter in dream
Write love poem in the dream
Wear hanger dress in dream
Wearing straped pants in the dream
Walk with lions in the dream
Wear lock over the dream
Watering over the dream
Wash the vine leaf in the dream
Wearing petty officer dress in the dream
Wearing petty officer uniform in the dream
Wear petty officer outfit in the dream
Winning horse in the dream
Whipping at the dream
Watch horse race in the dream
Wash horse in the dream
Walk through water in the dream
White walking in the dream
Want to ride in the dream
Water in the dream
Weapons not to shoot in the dream
Watching fire in the dream
Walk towards fire in the dream
Walking in the dream
Watch fire in the dream
Wind fire in the dream
Warm up with fire in the dream
Warm up in fire in the dream
Whip potatoes in fire in the dream
Wear shirt from fire in the dream
Wrap in the dream
Witness on the dream
Walking around the dream
Wash sports panties in the dream
Wearing athlete in the dream
Wear athlete in the dream
Walking with athlete in the dream
Work in the workshop
Wearing horse clothes in the dream
Wash the yard in the dream
Write a few articles in the dream
Write a shot in the dream
Water from the palm in the dream
Working alongside the lawyer in the dream
Walk in the moonlight in the dream
Wearing gold halhal to stand up in the dream
Wear boot up in the dream
Wear up socks in the dream
Wrap up in your dream
Wear up earrings in the dream
Wear mest to stand up in the dream
Wear patic to stand up in the dream
Wear up pouches in the dream
Wearing dentures on the dream
Wear black socks to stand up in the dream
Wear sweaty to stand up in the dream
Wear up ring in the dream
Wearing the foot in the dream
Wearing fish on the foot in the dream
Wearing white socks on the foot in the dream
Wear bracelet on the foot in the dream
Wear large slippers to the foot in the dream
Wearing sweating from big to the foot in the dream
Wearing red slippers on the foot in the dream
Wear mest to the foot in the dream
Wearing bags on the foot in the dream
Wear sweaty to the foot in the dream
Wearing new slippers on the foot in the dream
Wash the foot from mud in the dream
Wrapping the foot in the dream
Wound the foot in the dream
Water flow from bottom of the foot in the dream
Wash the mud of the foot in the dream
Washing the foot in the dream
Water collection under the foot in the dream
Walking at the foot fingertips in the dream
Wash the foot ball in the dream
Walking foot lean in the dream
Washing with foot in the dream
Walking feet into mud in the dream
Walking feet in the air
Wash feet with soap in the dream
Wash the feet in the dream with water
Wash feet in the dream
Water spills in the dream
Wash your feet in the dream with soap
Wash your feet with water in the dream
Wash your feet in the dream
Wait for standing in the dream
Warming up standing in the dream
Walk on the bright road in the dream
Write verse in the dream
Wake up while reading verses in the dream
Wake up by reading verses in the dream
Wearing verse cure in the dream
Write verse wolf in the dream
Wound the bear in the dream
Walk on the moon in the dream
Wearing mirror in the dream
Wear a mirror in the dream
Wash the mirror in the dream
Wearing scarf on the mirror in the dream
Write to the mirror in the dream
Wear the same dress in the dream
Working at the same workplace in the dream
Wear the same outfit in the dream
Wearing separate slippers in the dream
Washing with less water in the dream
Wash with less water in the dream
Wait for littlerail in the dream
Walking with littlerail in the dream
Water from the chimney in the dream
Wrap the chimney in the dream
Warming up from the leg in the dream
Way to the leg hair in the dream
Wash the leg in the dream
Wash legs in the dream
Wrap the legs in the dream
Wash the legs in the dream
Women without legs in the dream
Wound on the leg in the dream
Water flow from the leg in the dream
Wishing almonds in the dream
Wear badi in the dream
Water the bond in the dream
Wash the bond leaf in the dream
Wandering around your dream
Women who are looking for a dream
Wake up by shouting in the dream
Why shouting in the dream
Water the garden tree in the dream
Wash the garden in the dream
Work in the garden in the dream
Walk around the garden in the dream
Wash in the garden in the dream
Walk in the garden in the dream
Weed from the garden in the dream
Wearing a copper bracelet in a dream
Washing a copper boiler in a dream
Washing a copper pan
Winding copper wire in a dream
Washing copper pots in a dream
Washing copper trays in a dream
Washing copper
What does a copper ring mean in a dream
Wearing a copper ring in a dream
Working in the grocery store
What does broad bean bread mean in a dream
What does it mean to collect pods in a dream
What does it mean to open a baklava in a dream
What does it mean to distribute diamonds in a dream
What does it mean to see a baklava in a dream
Warming up diamonds in a dream
Weighing baklava in a dream
What is eating baklava in a dream
What to interpret eating baklava in a dream
Worming of pulses in a dream
Wearing copper in a dream
Wanting to buy honey in a dream
What does it mean to see honey in a dream
Washing hands with honey in a dream
What is honey in a dream
Wearing a honey-colored dress in a dream
Weighing honey in a dream
What does it mean to collect honey in a dream
What is eating honey in a dream
Walking in slime
Walking in slime
What does it mean to expectorate in a dream
Wrapping up in fish
Walking on a fish
What is it to buy fish in a dream
What is distributing fish in a dream
What does it mean to see fish in a dream
Wishing for fish in a dream
Watching fish in a dream
What is frying fish in a dream
What does fish mean in a dream
What does a fish mean in a dream?
What does it mean to cook fish in a dream
Watching fish in a dream
Watching fishermen in a dream
Watching fishermen in a dream
What does it mean to fish in a dream?
What does fishing mean in a dream
What does it mean to try to fish in a dream
Walking on fish
Walking on fish
What it means to catch fish in a dream
Wanting to eat fish in a dream
What does it mean to eat fish in a dream?
Washing fish in a dream
Watching fish in a dream
Walking on fish
Walking on fish
Walking on fish water
Whale attack in a dream
Whale swallowing man in a dream
Whale attack in a dream
Whale swallowing IN dream
Wiping the balcony in a dream
Water flowing from the balcony ceiling
Washing a balcony in a dream
Washing the balcony in a dream
What is it to go to the balcony in a dream
Watering flowers on the balcony in a dream
Washing carpets on the balcony in a dream
Washing hair on the balcony in a dream
Walking on the balcony in a dream
What does it mean to fall off a balcony in a dream
Watching someone from a balcony in a dream
Watching the sea from the balcony in a dream
What does it mean to fall from a balcony in a dream
Waving from the balcony in a dream
Water coming in from the balcony in a dream
Watching snow from the balcony in a dream
Watching the view from the balcony in a dream
Washing the balcony with a hose in a dream
Washing the balcony in a dream
Writing with honey in a dream
What does it mean to eat honey bread in a dream
Wearing a prom dress in a dream
What does balloon popping mean in a dream
What is the meaning of seeing okra in the dream
Watering okra in a dream
What is picking okra in a dream
What does it mean to eat okra in a dream
Wearing a bandana in a dream
Waiting in a bank queue
Winning a Bank Exam
Waiting in line at a bank
Working in a Bank
Withdrawing Money in the Bank
Waiting in line at a bank
Withdrawing paper money from a bank
Withdrawing a Salary from a Bank
What does it mean to dream of receiving money from the bank
Washing Someone in a Bathroom
Washing dishes in the bathroom
Washing clothes in the bathroom
Washing hands in the bathroom
Washing carpets in bathroom
Withdrawing A Lot Of Money From A Cash Machine
Withdrawing money from a cash machine
Withdrawing wads of money from a cash machine
Washing Bathroom Wall
Washing Bathroom Tiles
Washing Bath Towels
Walking Around in a Bath Towel
Washing a Bathtub
Wiping a Bathroom
Water dripping from bathroom ceiling
Washing Bathroom Toilet
Watching while taking a bath
Water cutting off while taking a bath
Wanting to take a bath
Wanting to Take a Bath
Wanting to take a bath but not being able to
What does it mean to dream of taking a bath
What does a dream about taking a bath signify
What is bathing in a dream
What is a dream about taking a bath
Washing a Bath
Waxing in the Bathroom
Washing feet in the bathroom
Washing a baby in a bathroom
Washing hair in the bathroom
Water flowing in bathroom
Water pipe bursting in bathroom
Water bursting in bathroom
Water overflowing in bathroom
Washing face in bathroom
Wearing a Bathrobe After a Bath
Wanting to go to the bathroom
Wiping a Bathroom
Washing a bath with water
Washing a bathroom
Working in a bar
Washing Glasses of Dishes
What is breaking a glass in a dream
What does a glass mean in a dream
Wiping a glass
Washing Cups and Plates
Washing Glasses
Water spilling from glass
What does it mean to dream of drinking water from a glass
Wearing a Hard Hat
Wanting to reconcile
What does it mean to dream of reconciliation
Walking around with your head uncovered
What does a headache mean in a dream
Walking upside down
Wearing a Wedding Ring on the Thumb
Wearing a Ring on the Thumb
Wearing a Ring on Your Thumb
Washing Your Head
Wrapping a White Towel on Head
Wearing a white hat on the head
Wearing Flowers on Head
Wearing a Veil on Head
Wearing a Scarf on the Head
Wrapping a Towel on Head
Wearing a Shawl on the Head
Wearing a Hat on the Head
Wrapping a Turban on Head
Wearing a Crown on the Head
Wearing a Skullcap on Head
Walking in a field of spikes
Walking with prime minister
Waving to the prime minister
Writing a letter to the prime minister
Waiting for the prime minister
Washing the head
What does it mean when you dream of bleeding from the head
Wearing a golden crown on your head
Wearing a Bandana on Your Head
Wearing a Beanie on Your Head
Wearing a white cap on your head
Wearing a white fez on your head
Wearing a White Shawl on Your Head
Wearing a Bonnet on Your Head
Wearing Flowers on Your Head
Wearing a Flower Crown on Your Head
Wearing Socks on Your Head
Wearing a Veil on Your Head
Wearing a Bridal Crown on Your Head
Wearing a Rose on Your Head
Wearing a Straw Hat on Your Head
Wrapping a Towel on Your Head
Wearing a Pearl Crown on Your Head
Wearing a Red Bandana on Your Head
Wearing a Red Ribbon on Your Head
Wearing a blue crown on your head
Wearing a Shawl on Your Head
Wearing a Hat on Your Head
Wearing a Hat on Your Head
Wearing a Black Shawl on Your Head
Wearing a Crown on Your Head
Wearing a Skullcap on Your Head
Water flowing from your head
What does breastfeeding another baby in a dream signify?
Waking up in another house
Working in another workplace
Working in another unit
Waxing Someone Else
Wearing a Gold Necklace to Someone Else
Wearing Gold to Someone Else
Wearing a bracelet on someone else
Walking in another city
Walking in another city
What does it mean to dream of moving to another city
Wearing Other Slippers
Working in another country
Wanting to go to another country
What does it mean to dream of being president
Watching a basketball game
Watching a basketball game
What does it mean to dream of offering condolences
Walking with a Cane
Walking on a swampy road
Walking in a swamp without sinking
Walking in a swamp
Washing Blankets
Washing a blanket
Walking wrapped in a blanket
Waiting with a suitcase
Walking with a suitcase
What does it mean to dream of hanging a flag
Wearing a Flag Dress
What is a flag in a dream
What does it mean to dream of waving a flag
Waving a Flag
Washing a Flag
Wearing a Dress Made of Flag
Wearing a Baby Blue Wedding Dress
Wearing Gold on a Baby
Wearing a Quarter of Gold on a Baby
Wearing a necklace on a baby
Wearing Earrings on Baby
Wearing evil eye beads on baby
What does it mean to dream of giving milk to a baby
Wrapping baby in white swaddle
Wrapping a baby in a towel
Warming Baby
Working Physically
Wearing a wedding dress she doesn't like
Wearing a Beige Dress
Wearing a Beige Wedding Dress
Wearing Beige Pants
Wanting a single girl